Air ducts are channels that carry hot or cool air around inside a building. They are an important part of the equipment fitted inside buildings to circulate air and facilitate the removal of contaminated air from the rooms. These ducts are more like a network of tubes having air return and supply systems and are designed to allow air to pass through them with minimum friction. The whole system operates to supply heated or cooled air by the HVAC equipment in the house and returns the same volume of air back to the HVAC system. However, these ducts require regular cleaning to ensure that there is fresh air circulating in every room. Cleaning is usually done with Air duct Cleaning Equipment by cleaning experts. This equipment effectively cleans the interiors of the air ducts to remove dust and grime, so you breathe fresh and clean air at all times. 

Air Duct Installation 

Installing an HVAC system is very simple and only requires a proper design and plan. Implementing a duct design plan is easier than ever, and you can hire a contractor to complete the installation with minimum cost. Make sure there are no leakages in the duct system, as even a minor leakage can cause health and safety concerns and lead to significant energy losses. A little extra time and effort will help you save money and avoid contaminated air circulating in your home. The HVAC contractor will take care of the technicalities and ensure that your HVAC equipment starts functioning optimally with no extra costs. Other issues that you may consider include capital expenditure, better performance, and lower maintenance costs. 

Air Duct Cleaning and Maintenance 

The best Duct systems allow air to pass through them with minimum friction. If the air passes through the ducts very slowly, it will cause an accumulation of dust particles and clogging of the ducts. Very fast air movement in the ducts may lead to power wastage, friction at the bends, and noise problems. Clogging of the air ducts with dust or mold will hamper the working of your system. If you see any signs of mold growth, dust accumulation, or insect activity in the air ducts, you know it’s time for a cleaning session. There are cleaning specialists who will access the air ducts and then proceed with a systematic cleaning process. 

Types of Air Ducts

Air ducts can are generally narrow and made from rigid or flexible components that influence your life indoors. As we know, their main function is to carry air and distribute air evenly throughout a given area or building. Most of the time, you may find a combination of duct types in many buildings. If you are clueless about where to start, simply hire an experienced HVAC contractor to do the job. They are experienced in creating customized and long-lasting air ducts for homes and commercial properties.  

Flexible Air Ducts 

Flexible ducts are made from wire or metal coils wrapped with plastic or flexible material. They are generally appropriate for smaller rooms where there is not enough space to install pipes. It is also a good option as these ducts can be easily installed around existing elements and in spaces where there are tricky bends. The cost of flexible duct systems is lesser than rigid ductwork, and they are easier to install. However, make sure that they are anchored properly with minimum crimping and turns. These ducts are very flexible and will serve you for a long time with minimum maintenance and repair.

Rigid Air Ducts 

As a matter of fact, these ducts are comparatively more durable and reliable. These ducts are made from solid material and come in different shapes and sizes to suit different requirements. They will take up a little extra space in your room. Rigid Ducts can be made from any durable metal like steel that does not corrode. Other than steel, fiberglass is used because it is lightweight and has natural insulation. Let us see the difference between these rigid duct materials:

Sheet metal ducts

These air ducts are made from steel and aluminum, which are the most widely used materials to make sheet metal pipes. Since aluminum is quite light, the installation is simple and requires lesser effort. Aluminum and steel have non-permeable surfaces that are less prone to mold, fungus, or insect activity. You can customize these ducts to meet the needs of your home or hire an HVAC contractor who produces customized ducts using a fabrication process onsite.

Fiberglass lined ducts

Fiberglass lined ducts have a metal interior and fiberglass exterior. This type of ductwork is suitable for offices and business houses as they lessen the sound caused by forced air moving through the system unit. Moreover, the fiberglass may shatter and spread fiberglass particles in the air, which is not good for the atmosphere. Cleaning a rigid duct is also quite difficult, as you may end up damaging the covering and spreading fiberglass strands. However, if you avoid cleaning these ducts regularly, they can easily become infested with grime and molds. If you do not notice this on time, air passing through these ducts will spread this contamination through every room in the house.

Fiberboard ducts

Fiberboard ducts are made using a new metal that is a combination of fiberglass strands glued by common adhesive. Since the surface of these ducts is harsh, they can influence the effects of the wind and improve productivity. This duct/channel is useful for cooling and warming since it is protected from the usual elements. 

Sealing Ducts

Sealing your air ducts is very important because proper insulation reduces energy losses. It also keeps pollutants away by creating a barrier between them and the air duct. Sealing the air conditioning duct will help you avoid invasion by insects or small animals. It pays to maintain and seal your air ducts because even a small leakage can cause your energy bills to shoot up by almost 20%. Sealing will also improve air quality by lessening air losses to unwanted spaces in the house.