Dryer Lint – How Dangerous Is It?

Dryer Lint – How Dangerous Is It?

Dryer vents have a very bad history of causing fires in homes. Thus, cleaning them correctly with the right air duct cleaning equipment is very necessary. Further, dryers have a narrow vent that helps remove the hot and moist air from homes. Sadly, many people neglect...
Duct Cleaning Vs Deep Duct Cleaning

Duct Cleaning Vs Deep Duct Cleaning

Whenever you switch on your system, it takes airflow to your thermostat and also dirt, which causes your filtration system to become dirty quicker, restricting the flow of air that flows into the burner, and expending energy. If your air ducts are filthy, it requires...
What does the MERV rating mean?

What does the MERV rating mean?

Have you ever closely examined your HVAC filters while changing them? Or have you ever questioned which air filter is most appropriate for you? Or have you done some investigation on the HVAC system after your home got built? Then you must have stumbled upon the term...
REPAIR vs CLEAN Your Air Duct

REPAIR vs CLEAN Your Air Duct

Have you seen small, little chunks of dust dangling out from your home’s air conditioner, every time you use it? Have you seen any pet hair trapped in your AC ducts? These might be the signs that your air conditioner’s vents need some thorough cleaning.  Well,...